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  • Writer's pictureSummer

Behind the Name Pass The Salt

Updated: Feb 4

The name Pass The Salt was inspired by Matthew 5:13-16 we are called by Jesus to be the salt of the earth. So you may be wondering what does salt have to do with living for Jesus? What does this mean to the believer today?

Hand reaching out with salt on it

So why Pass The Salt: The Covenant of Salt & King David

In the old testament, the covenant of salt is mentioned only three times in the Bible: Leviticus 2:13, Numbers 18:19, and 2 Chronicles 13:5. God made this covenant of salt with King David and his descendants. Before we jump into why this covenant is significant let's look at the life of David because it holds a key, in Acts 13:22 “After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do (NIV).’” WAIT! Didn’t King David commit murder and adultery? How can he be a man after God's own heart? But we see throughout the book of Psalms David went through a lot of highs and lows but his heart was still towards God and His ways. David had absolute faith in God to provide, protect, and defend him, see the story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17). He loved God's word through the Prophet Samual (Psalm 119). David was truly thankful (Psalm 100:4) and truly repentant (2 Samuel 11-12, Psalm 51).

King David was not perfect but the one thing that stood out was his trust in God, as he sought God to live according to His ways. When trouble and trial faced him he still had thankfulness towards God. Despite his sin, David was always willing to truly repent and turn his heart towards God again. I think David is a great example for us today in what it means to live as abandoned men and women after God's own heart, and not this "perfect" ideal.

"The words “covenant” and “salt” stands for the idea of two parties making and keeping an agreement with each other based upon trust. Salt gives us the truth that we should trust our God enough to live with and for Him in our everyday lives. In the everyday decisions we encounter, we are to sacrifice our way of living and thinking and trust His Word" (Suitt).

"Covenant gives us the thought that when we trust our God and live His way – our part of the agreement – He will change our lives for the better, one where no judgment is needed – His part of the agreement. He can make life come out of the dead areas of your life. He can turn an unsatisfying life into a tasty one. Where we were once alone, we can now communicate with the God of the universe. Instead of fear and anxiety, we can have peace" (Suitt).

"When we break down the phrase into its component words and put them back together again, this is the truth I believe the Lord is trying to convey in the phrase “covenant of salt”: He desires a relationship with His people based upon trust that is seen in their actions and, eventually, through a changed life" (Suitt).

Transformed lives transforming others, by a foundational relationship with God not based on perfection, condemnation, obligation, or striving.

The covenant of salt is calling us, the Body of Christ back into a relationship of following and trusting in God alone. Jesus did His part on the cross so we could be reconciled back into a relationship with the Father. So now we are called to live in covenant, to be holy and set apart from the things of this world, running after love and obedience to Him, men and women after His own heart. Like David we are not perfect, we’ve gone our own way because we don’t see God in our situations. Perfection will never be attainable, but sanctification is, renewal of the mind is, surrendering our lives over to God is. This is so He may transform us into the image of His Son Jesus, shining as lights in dark places through the power of the Holy Spirit, glorifying and worshiping Him with all of who we are. Transformed lives transforming others, by a foundational relationship with God not based on our own efforts, perfection, condemnation, obligation, or striving. No matter where you are repentance is never too late, God is waiting with open arms! He will not leave you as He found you! He will guide you and finish that good work He has begun within you (Philippians 1:6)!

Author Summer

Founder & Creator of Pass The Salt, Life Pacific University Graduate with a BA in Ministry and Leadership trained Christian Counselor and Life Coach with a focus on spiritual formation and biblical application.

Work Cited:

Suitt, Chris. “Covenant of Salt - You Gotta Serve Somebody.” Seed of Abraham Ministries, Inc. ,


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