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Image by Priscilla Du Preez


Spiritual Formation is a powerful means of healing and deepening one's faith and relationship with God.

At Pass The Salt, we understand that your personal relationship with God is unique. Therefore, we offer customized services that cater to your specific needs and concerns. Our experienced and compassionate professionals are dedicated to helping you navigate through life’s toughest challenges while keeping Christ at the center. We place strong emphasis on developing a deeper understanding of the Bible and applying its teachings to real-life scenarios. By working together, we will help you achieve a more fulfilling and enriched life in Christ.

What is Spiritual Formation?

A transformative process that focuses on deepening one's relationship with God, in partnership with the Holy Spirit who guides you on a journey towards union with God. Through discipleship, focused on maturing one's faith, and being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ for the glory of God and the love of others.

Who is This For...Everyone

What to Expect

Below you will find some things to expect during this process, setting up a free consultation is the best way to see if this service is a great fit for your journey.

Prayer hands

Our time together will be from a place of prayer, where we invite God to come and speak to the things you are dealing with personally. Following God's leading, we will walk through a process of healing and give those things over to God. Our focus is always on following God's lead, and we are committed to bringing you closer to Him in every way possible.

Rocks stacked on one another

Much of this space will feel like therapy, together, we will work to understand your unique needs and explore your past experiences to identify patterns that can help us address your current challenges. You can rest assured that this is a safe, non-judgmental place where nothing will ever be repeated outside of our confidential sessions.

Bible scripture

We understand the importance of finding the root of spiritual issues and applying biblical principles to everyday life. Our approach is similar to life coaching, but focused on spiritual formation and discipleship. We work closely with our clients to design strategies and plans to help them navigate their spiritual journey with purpose and direction.

Scripture Focus

These scriptures are the main focus of this ministry time. The goal is that you would live closer to God and look more like Christ, so you can thrive in the gifts and callings He has for you.


"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and tyour neighbor as yourself.”
- Luke 10:27

Start Your Journey Here!

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